Monday, February 22, 2016

Secessionist Papers

Secessionist Papers - Book 109 pages

Why is it important to talk about secession? Few people that believe secession is a legitimate political theory, right and recourse also believe that in a practical sense it is achievable, reasonable or even preferable. Devolution is a complicated matter and requires a more or less united political will among a people within a region or area – within the confines of modern America it seems unlikely any such will of a sufficient majority will soon emerge, anywhere. The question thus remains, why even discuss the subject? 

It is important to honestly discuss the matter because it goes to the very heart of how the Union of States was formed, what the Constitution was to mean and what relation the central government was to have to the people. Many of our contemporary political problems stem directly from a failure to understand foundational principles. Perhaps in engendering more honest discussions about foundational principles we might actually see contemporary problems more correctly.

  • secession
Publication Date
February 20, 2016
Barry Lee Clark
Publisher Statement
Secessionist Papers (February 20, 2016). Available at SSRN:
Published by The Calhoun Review, 2016
First Edition
Citation Information
Clark, Barry Lee, et. al., Secessionist Papers (February 20, 2016). Available at SSRN:

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