Sunday, October 15, 2006

Secession in South Carolina must be peaceful

Christian Exodus occasionally hears from respondents that secession from the Union is "insane." Well, Independence from the other States in the union is only "insane" when coupled with an assumption that it would be violently attained. This is of course the very first conclusion uninformed Americans make when they hear the word "secession". A State declaring independence today would be entirely different than in 1776, because a global public relations campaign would need to succeed. Let's look at how it'd play out: if South Carolinians voted for independence at the ballot box, the case would then have to be made in international discourse that our vote is just as sovereign as any other people's vote, and a demand would be made that Washington and the United Nations recognize that fact. Should they recognize it, the vote would stand. Should they deny recognition and send in troops to disband our government then the world would witness Washington's tyranny and we would suffer the trouble of occupation, but at the very next opportunity we should vote for independence again, and again, and again, continually demanding freedom and notifying the world that the "land of the free" aint so free. Until eventually the other States of the involuntary union cannot stomach their own hypocrisy and finally acquiesce and let "freedom ring." That's the peaceful path to independence if ever required. No weapon would ever be used except the ballot box.

South Carolina could never forcefully demand independence with military use - that would be "insane."

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