Monday, April 11, 2005

Regretting 298 Years of Cringing

Independence: "Independence will not be 'allowed' by any bogus authority. Self-government is the privilege, and responsibility, of all adult peoples. All that is required is for Scots to move from adolescent devolution, to full adulthood.

The move from pubescence to maturity will take place in a very simple, unromantic, practical, straighforward location: a plain, black, metal, cubic container with a slot - the ballot box - the most powerful authority in Scotland. Remember the Claim of Right?

The Scots rule Scotland, no-one else. The fact that we currently choose, every few years, to delegate that responsibility to a trans-national Union (sic) is a sign of the tragic depths of the Scottish Cringe gleefully propagated by The Establishment, eg. the British Broadcasting Corporation, and the British Labour Party (Scotlandshire Parish Cooncil Branch). (The Scottish Cultural Cringe.)"

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