Saturday, June 12, 2004

Welcome New Contributors

The original intent of this blog was to house and publicize the Secessionist Paper Project. The main site for the American Secessionist Project is now in the process of taking shape. It makes more sense to host the papers on a static site. This leaves the options for the blog open.

I have decided to use the blog as a collaborative tool of sorts. After all the entire purpose of the project is collaboration.

Toward that end I have invited several individuals to join me in contributing here. For some of you that have received invites this may be your first visit to the site. I made my original selection of invitees based upon several factors.

It is possible that I have read some of your writing. Many of the invitees are current bloggers; some are not. Some are folks that I know in some form, others I do not know.

The initial group represents a cross-section of the myriad groups that seek self-determination, independence or secession in some form. The list of movements included in the initial cut includes: Christian Separatist, Southern Nationalist. Hawaiian Nationalist, Alaskan Separatist and Libertarians.

The only negative response received so far was from one of the libertarians who is concerned that associating with secessionist that advocate States' Rights might damage his position that it is up to individuals to make their own form of government.

It is not my opinion that one view ought to trump the other. If individuals trust their state and wish to exercise political power via the sovereignty of the state then that seems perfectly reasonable. If the state is so corrupt that good government cannot be achieved via that method then of course the ultimate power to replace bad government at the national or state level rests with the People. I think in time we might ease the fears of this potential libertarian ally.

The initial list does not complete the groups I wish to see represented. There are folks in Vermont, Puerto Rico and other locations that need to be approached. I also would like to include Native American tribes and their sovereignty issues and concerns. This will be done. There are also several other independent thinkers out there that have written and still write on our subject matter. Slowly these people will be approached. By necessity this had to start small and be grown in stages.

If you have received an invite (or would like one-email me with a link to some of your writing and views) please consider our purpose when you post here. I do not see the need to lay out a bunch of rules or guidelines right now. Just write to educate and enlighten the general populace. Make your writing applicable to any group seeking more independence.

Obviously if more than two people express opinions there will occasionally be disagreements. Be polite to other contributors. As long as each of us agrees to “Agree in General” we ought to be ok.

I look forward to the contributions, ideas and thoughts of everyone that is willing to join me here.

Thank you in advance.

Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem
El Cid

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